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New Driver Insurance Rate Incentives

Options to consider to lower your insurance costs.

Yes, adding a student driver to your family’s car insurance policy will most likely increase your car insurance premium cost. Don’t fret, since there is not a standard car insurance premium for every driver, your coverage is highly personalized. Before making any changes to your family policy, reach out to your insurance agent to discuss your enhanced coverages options, and eligibility for the below rate incentives:

Good Student Incentive

Many insurance companies offer a premium incentive to “Good Student” drivers who obtain a grade point average of 3.0 or higher. If  the driver on your insurance policy is considered a “Good Student” reach out to your insurance agent to discuss your coverage options and the additional submission information needed to receive this incentive.
Note: In many cases, the “Good Student” incentive can be added to your auto insurance policy at any point during your policy period. If your student is on the threshold of obtaining a grade point average of 3.0 or higher, don’t worry, there is still time to have the incentive added to your policy.

Group & Association Rates

Many insurance companies offer a premium incentive to drivers who are a member of a professional association, alumni association, credit union, or the military. If a driver on your insurance policy is a member of a group or association, contact your insurance agent for more information about incentive availability.

Safe Driving Seminars & Course(s)

Many insurance companies offer a premium incentive to drivers who complete the safe driving seminars and/or course(s). Completing these courses can bring additional savings to your family’s auto insurance premium. If a driver on your insurance policy is interested in these courses, reach out to your insurance agent to discuss available course(s).

Shop, Compare &/Or Bundle Coverages

Did you know Meadowbrook Insurance Agency, and many insurance agencies have access to shop auto insurance prices for you and your family? Contact your insurance agent for more details on how to get started on your free, no-obligation quote(s).

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(877) 759-4365

New Driver Auto Coverages

Options to consider to maintain proper coverage

Adding a new driver to your auto insurance policy can be complex. There are many options to consider before making any changes to your family’s policy. Reach out to your insurance agent to discuss your options:

Notify your insurance company.

Many insurance companies need to be notified when a new driver receives their Learner’s Permit. Talk with your insurance agent about your family’s coverage options for when your driver receives their full license. Your agent can also discuss the benefits of adding your student driver to your family policy vs. placing your student driver on a stand-alone auto policy.

Drivers Away From Home

Many insurance companies offer alternative auto insurance coverage options for student drivers who do not reside within the policy holder’s primary household. If you have a student driver who is not living at home full time; discuss coverage options that fits your situation.

Title Holder

There are special insurance considerations if the car title is under your child’s name. Reach out to your insurance agent for details.